Contact Address
431 SE 3rd Street
Pendleton, OR 97801
Contact Phone
Phone: 541.276.6774
Fax: 541.276.1486
Contact Email
Report Abuse Hotline
Oregon Child Abuse Hotline
24hours/7 days week
Call 1-855-503-SAFE (7233)
Guardian Care Center’s Vision: A caring community, free of child abuse, where everyone is invested in creating a safe environment for children.
Mission: To prevent child abuse in our communities, and to provide compassionate assessment and support for children and families who have been impacted by child abuse.
Goals and Objectives
Values and Beliefs
About the Guardian Care Center:
Created in 1996 by the District Attorney’s Department of Umatilla County.
The Guardian Care Center in Umatilla County helps lessen the trauma experienced by child victims of abuse. The Center eliminates the need for a child to be shuffled through police stations, doctor’s offices and courtrooms, sparing the child fear and trauma often associated with these experiences.
Guardian Care Center’s child abuse assessments are part of an investigatory process, children are referred by law enforcement agencies and/or child protective services. Our assessments include a child forensic interview and a medical exam, if indicated. The medical exam collects physical evidence and diagnose/treat health issues related to the abuse.
There is no charge for the evaluations.
Services, based on a child’s needs, are provided in a neutral, child-friendly environment. Services include: