Contact Address
431 SE 3rd Street
Pendleton, OR 97801
Contact Phone
Phone: 541.276.6774
Fax: 541.276.1486
Contact Email
Report Abuse Hotline
Oregon Child Abuse Hotline
24hours/7 days week
Call 1-855-503-SAFE (7233)
Oregon has 24 Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs). These centers are part of a network that is convened by Oregon Child Abuse Solutions (OCAS)
Oregon is but one of many states to utilize centers in helping children suspected to be victims of abuse and/or domestic violence.
As each county in our state is required to have a Multi-disciplinary Team to review child abuse cases, each county is also required to have services in place that ensure that every child reasonably suspected to be abused has access to therapeutic medical assessments (ORS 418.780 – 418.796 Statutes).
Furthermore, Guardian Care Center is an active member of the Oregon Child Abuse Solutions, Umatilla Co Sexual Assault Response Team and an Affliate member of the National Children’s Alliance.
There are many ways to help ensure that suspected victims of abuse receive the compassion and care they need. As a supporter, your impact is key to spreading the prevention message.
If a child is in immediate danger call 9-1-1. If you suspect a child is being abused, file a report with the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) or local law enforcement.
855-503-SAFE (7233)
Reporting Child Abuse
Mandatory Reporting Requirements
Oregon Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse
Definition(s) of Child Abuse